Sparky's Scaled A&S Tournament

Sparky's Scaled A&S Tournament 

A Kingdom Level A&S Tournament with an educational twist

Entries Due 12:00PM Noon Saturday

Judging  for Lower Bracket Starts 12:30PM 

Judging for Upper Bracket Starts at 2:30PM (Tentative depending on lower bracket Judging

As Fury corresponds with Goldenvale Coronation, it falls between the traditional scheduled Dragonmaster Tournaments.   

With a goal of providing extra opportunities for competition, encouragement for participation at all levels and to teach A&S judging best practices we are proud to present Sparky's Scaled A&S Tournament. 

This tournament will follow standard Dragonmaster rules but will split entrants into a Low Ladder bracket (Highest Arts award 5 or below) and High Ladder Bracket (Highest Arts award 6+) 

The educational twist: Entrants are requested to participate in judging the opposite bracket.   In addition to the normal panel of judges, each entrant will judge several entries.  The goal of this is to provide an opportunity to learn about judging A&S while not requiring a full day of volunteer commitment. 

Full Details and Rules to follow.